有個小女孩,大家都叫她Zu Zu。
她在谷裡的綽號是「玫瑰谷飆車仔」。她邊騎車邊哼著「Zu Zu Zu...」,明明只是個三輪腳踏車,騎起來卻有種500cc重機的風範。
原來,Zu Zu剛剛一路飆車去外婆家,要送外婆最愛吃的熱騰騰地瓜。
There's this little girl, everyone calls her Zu Zu.
She rides her trike like nobody's business, zooming all the way to the land of winter, the North of "Rose Valley" known as the White Forest.
They call her the "Rose Valley Speedster". While she rides, she hums 'Zu Zu Zu...' You’d swear her little trike was a 500cc motorbike the way she handles it.
One day, you spot her standing by the road all alone, looking kinda lost and ready to burst into tears. You can't help but wonder, what’s up with her?
Why's she pouting like that? She looks all huffy, like she’s about to start crying any second.
Here's the scoop: Zu Zu was on her way to her grandma's, carrying her granny's favorite hot sweet potatoes.
But who could've guessed?
A big, mean snake named Jack had his eyes on her. Swallowed her bag of hot sweet potatoes in one gulp!
She was this close, just 0.0005 seconds away from becoming Jack the big python's lunch.
Winters in Rose Valley are always filled with these little surprises.