蜥蜴先生所嚮往的,是一份英式馬芬,上頭鋪著豐盛的雙份豬肉片,旁附輕柔的炒蛋。 我:「當然可以。今早您願意品嚐茶,還是咖啡呢?」 蜥蜴先生:「啊,來一壺香醇的伯爵茶吧,別忘了加上香濃的全脂牛奶與甜甜的紅糖。」 我:「您的選擇總是無可挑剔。」
貓頭鷹博士則是目不轉睛地凝視著窗外的世界,似乎在沉思。 我:「在這美妙的清晨,貓頭鷹博士,您想點些什麼呢?」 貓頭鷹博士:「唔,給我來點經典的香腸、培根還有法式吐司吧。」 我:「那我猜您今天還是要一杯燕麥奶拿鐵?」 貓頭鷹博士:「正是如此,您真是太了解我了。」
這時,小蜥蜴在一旁發出了一串滑稽而又討喜的聲音。 我:「我的小勇士,你這一早想來點什麼呢?」 小蜥蜴:「您知道的,我正在努力不讓體重上升。就讓草莓蛋糕來作伴吧。」 我:「當然,還有您那熱騰騰的薄荷巧克力,是否如往常?」
或許您在好奇,我自己會點什麼。讓我偷偷地告訴您: 我並不參與早餐的儀式,我是專門享受早午餐的人。
It's a splendid morning. My friends and I are engaged in a discussion about the day's most pressing decision: breakfast.
Mr. Lizard fancies an English muffin, adorned with double sausage patties and a side of fried eggs. Me: "Sure thing. Would you prefer tea or coffee?" Mr. Lizard: "Ah, a pot of aromatic Earl Grey, please, and don't forget the creamy whole milk and sweet brown sugar." Me: "Your choice is always impeccable."
Dr. Owl is pondering the day's prospects with a thoughtful gaze. Me: "And what might tempt you this morning, Dr. Owl?" Dr. Owl: "Simply sausage, bacon, and French toast for me." Me: "The usual oat milk latte to go with it?" Dr. Owl: "Absolutely, you know my tastes well."
Meanwhile, Little Lizard is concocting a series of comical sounds. Me: "What about you, my little champion lizard, what's your breakfast desire?" Little Lizard: "I’m watching my figure, as you know. Just the strawberry shortcake for me." Me: "Understood. And a mint hot chocolate, as per usual?"
Now, let me record all of this in my charming flamingo notebook. This very notebook was once the pride of Ms. Flamingo, a cook of unparalleled skill, especially when it came to her signature Eggs Benedict. The yolks in her dish flowed like the cascading waters of Niagara.
You might be curious about what I've chosen for myself. Let me whisper a little secret: I skip breakfast, strictly brunch only.